Poetry of the Soul

Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn. ~Thomas Gray

The wish May 31, 2010

Filed under: poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 5:21 pm

I wish upon a marigold

for adventures to unfold

and strength enough  to make me bold

as I go traipsing round the world

and obstacles my way are hurled

by wind that past my head has swirled

as if it must fight against the dawn

and create a night through a yawn

until I fight the darkness gone

I wish upon a blade of grass

for a dream that’s made of glass

and tells the darkness it will pass

and I awake with stary eyes

as I have shed my self of sighs

beneath the deep expansive skies

and I will stretch my arms and laugh

at clouds above shaped like giraffe

until I spy and wander down a path

I wish upon an apple tree

with star-shaped golden seeds

and bright green leaves

for weather that is light and fair

and a lover that will meet me there

beneath the dappled light we’ll make a pair

and we’ll hold hands the whole day long

and feel as if nothing can go wrong

until the birds do end their song

(c) Lauren Otheim – 2010

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Wonderful Awards! May 30, 2010

Filed under: Awards!,poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 1:02 pm

Jingle has been ever so kind to me and all the other poetry bloggers out there! She always knows just what to do to keep us all involved and motivated! She has a kind word for everyone and if you are not already involved in her poetry rally, I strongly encourage it! Recently Jingle has so kindly bestowed the following award on me and some of my fellow bloggers!

The Cutest Blogger Award

Also Jingle awarded this wonderful award which also originated from Adam!

Then from week 19 of the Poetry Rally, Jingle also sent me these awards!

The Most Charming Poet Award

The Most Inspiring Poet Award

Another award by way of Jingle’s site and one I am particularly proud to accept as it was voted on!  I appreciate the votes I received!

And last, but certainly not least, two more awards from Jingle.

I Love You Tag

Thank you once again, Jingle!  I truly appreciate all you do for us and how much time and commitment you put into allowing our blogging community to grow!


Yesterday May 29, 2010

Filed under: poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 12:52 am

somehow came to a burnt-out crisp end of the match smell sunset
I’m still waiting for the sunrise.
so many happy birthday’s how are you’s I hope your day’s going well’s
and yet I never heard the one I wanted.
you would think of all days in the year that this one he would call
it’s not so much to ask, is it?
yesterday was precisely 41 minutes ago and still I can’t sleep 41 minutes
since I would normally have gone to bed.
the light is on in my room and I am trying to only think about all the fun
things I did today and friends.
I think I like them best and I am angry angry angry at him that he
couldn’t take more effort just today.
but I’m not and that’s almost worse because not being angry at him
makes me angry angry angry at me.
now I can’t sleep because my watery insides are broiling with things
that can’t come out won’t come out.
I went out for lunch today and I think that was good, that was good
and I saw friends we talked, that was all.
Two presents and oh yes they were lovely thank you but I still didn’t
get the one thing I wanted which
I couldn’t even touch if I wanted to and my light is still on and I should
really try to sleep now, I should really try to sleep now.

(c) Lauren Otheim – 2010

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There was always a hand May 27, 2010

Filed under: poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 12:25 am

to catch my fall
when i lost my balance
roller-blading in the park
that day, do you remember?,
how i leaned up against the brick
wall for stability? And you lifted me
from the ground, my legs sliding farther
and farther until i looked like a calf learning
how to walk for the first time except on wheels.
i almost gave up that day, it hurt when i
scraped my hand on the pavement and
i think i cried a little, not much, but it
was enough to get your attention.
there you were, hand at the
ready pushing me back to
go! but sometimes i still
fall and then i wish the
hand pushing me
wasn’t mine.

(c) Lauren Otheim – 2010

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P.S. May 19, 2010

Filed under: poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 11:45 pm

I just remembered
that you have a
smile I can’t do without
and I think I have
your laugh on loan
for a little while
but when I give it back
could you please
stop by on occasion
so I can hear it? Also
I need your hands so
mine don’t get cold
but just for a little
while because eventually
the sun will come out
but don’t forget to
return in the evening
with your arms since
I might need to feel
like the world isn’t
quite so big as it
seems right now. Oh
and your toes are
currently keeping mine
company so don’t
neglect to take
them with you on
your way out.

(c) Lauren Otheim – 2010

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To: My Dear

Filed under: poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 11:19 pm

if i could send you a message
i would not use a bottle
they are too cliché

i would send it in a bubble
soft and circular it would rise
and bounce along the
rough patches in the air

through water
it would be the stained
glass of hope

On streets it would linger
in front of love-lit eyes
so it could absorb every-drop
until you opened it

so that it would explode
and you could really feel
how much i adore you

(c) Lauren Otheim – 2010

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Filed under: poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 11:03 pm

There is air outside
That I am waiting to breathe
I can’t hold it in

(c) Lauren Otheim – 2010

Protected by Copyscape Plagiarism Check Software


Dear Readers May 8, 2010

Filed under: poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 8:38 pm

Thank you so much for all of your comments! You have been extraordinarily encouraging and I greatly appreciate all of your presence at my blog! I want to apologize for not posting this and informing you earlier. I am currently enrolled in university and this is the end of the school year for me. The last couple weeks have been filled with tech and dress rehearsals for music and dance, performances, final projects, and final test preps. I have been so utterly busy that I have not been able to make a worthwhile contribution to my blog and this being the case have decided to hold off doing so until school is over. I will be on summer break starting the 17th of May and will be back online and just as active as ever. I should have alerted you all earlier and for this I am sorry. Along with this I want to let you all know how very blessed I feel by your contribution despite my absence! Thank you so much! I hope that you have a wonderful week and I look forward to joining you once again!


Lauren Michelle