Poetry of the Soul

Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn. ~Thomas Gray

Artic Chill December 23, 2010

Filed under: Awards!,poetry — laurenmichelleotheim @ 3:42 am

Stepping into my room is like entering Antarctica
A lone island separated and cold
The temperature drops from the rest of the house
And I wonder if I wouldn’t rather have the smaller, warmer place.

After all, Hawaii attracts more people than Antarctica ever did.

But in the daytime the polar ice caps create
There are mountainous regions to explore
With frozen tundra of which I am the lone inhabitant
Surrounded by a sea-filled multitude of ideas.

I watch the blue whales frolic in the corkscrew crest of foam.

(c) Lauren Otheim – 2010
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Thank you Jingle for the Perfect Poet award of week 35!

For week 36 I would like to nominate The Fool’s Back Pocket.  A wonderful poet with a fresh sense of the world, please visit!